July Minutes = Region One

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 6:58 PM

Region One Minutes for July 10, 2010

Host Galveston

Presented on August 21, 2010 at General Meeting

Called to Order at 10:15 by Carroll Bagley
Prayer by Calvin Walker
Pledge to American Flag by John Courtney.
Pledge to the Texas Flag by all (Honor the Texas Flag, I Pledge Allegiance to thee, Texas, One State under God, One and Indivisible.)

Welcome by
Tony Debney in attendance was officer Alverez
Speaker was introduced by officer Debney

The topic was the crimes on the internet. Mr. Noel Due spoke on the different types of cyber crimes and how he did his investigations into each phase. The FBI agent opened up the floor to questions and the meeting went from that point to an open forum. There were a few questions he could not answer because of his classifications. Questions ranged from the Bank scams to letters in the mail. He explained if you receive an e-mail and you do not know the sender, just delete it. The best advice he gave us is to keep your personal information to your self and make sure you do not put anything out to anyone you do not know. Be on the safe side and keep all your information in a safe place.

Minutes from June 12,
was read and approved

Treasurer’s Report
= General Fund $ 2561.36 <> Scholarship Fund $ 7104.04

Birthdays & Anniversaries
<> 2 B/D and 2 Anniv

1.Fundraiser= Evalyn not present
2. David Miller = update on convention 2010

New Business;
1 No Bylaws report Charles or Tom not at meeting

@ 12:15 pm
Send activity reports to Mildred Deal @ m-deal@sbcglobal.net and to Charles Billingsley at Charl.Bill@yahoo.com
SPECIAL NOTE; THIS NOTICE IS TO INFORM REGION ONE, AS OF ELECTIONS IN DECEMBER, Mildred Deal will not seek re-election as your Secretary because of Health reasons. Please think about who you want to serve next.