Web note: Minutes below are preliminary and are provided with no editing, exactly as sent via email from the Region One secretary.

Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 13:39:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: MILDRED DEAL <m-deal@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: minutes from june 13, 2009

Texas Citizen Police Academy Association Region One

Host – Pearland

Minutes from June 13<> Presented  July 18, 2009


  1. Call to order at 10:02 am by Calvin Walker


      2 Prayer = Calvin                                    3. Pledge  = all membership


     4 Welcome to the meeting = David Miller


     5 Speaker was Chad Rogers and Mike Pace = the topic they presented was the Honor Guard and the different activities at Funerals and Parades. They also talked about John & Jason Wells and their part in the guarding of the Wreath. The program was very interesting and very much informing.


   6. Roll Call = There were 14 Alumni represented


  7. Minutes was accepted with amended corrections


  8. Treasures report = accepted as presented – general fund $2,161.60  &  scholarship $1,979.62


 9. Committee report = Evalyn Phillips = fan fundraiser still on hold, Margrett Hooper is having

    Health problems. 


10. Birthdays & Anniv. = had 2 birthdays and no anniv.


11. Old Business =

A. = Gun raffle tickets have been mailed out and sales have started, money to be 

         turned in at the July 18 meeting.  

B. = Convention up date given be David Miller = most every thing is ready for the walk through 

         on July11, 2009. He also reported a few items on the 2011 plans it looks like the plans are

         going just fine.  After the convention this year, David said everyone needs to work on plans     

         for the 2011 convention so we (Region One) will be ready for the convention in 2011.

C.   The delegate meeting at San Marcus will be Two Hours long, we need all to attend that can.


12. New Business =

       Humble CPA took the December Meeting so we have all the months scheduled now.


13. Adjourned : = 11.30 am




Email Mildred at m-deal@sbcglobal.net with your Alumni Activity Reports and/or if you would like to add an agenda item.


PLEDGE TO THE TEXAS FLAG. Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge Allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.